2017년도 봄 학술대회는
4월 29일(토) 서강대학교에서
개최될 예정입니다. 이번 학술대회는 지정주제 및 자유주제에 대한 발표 신청을 받습니다. 지정주제에 관해서는 아래의 내용을 참고하시기 바라며, 발표 신청은 4월 2일(일)까지 이동신 연구이사님(dolphispot@snu.ac.kr)께 연락하시기 바랍니다.
지정주제: New Materialisms Matter
“contemporary society” faces “its most urgent challenges regarding
environmental, demographic, geopolitical, and economic changes,”
Diana Coole and Samantha Frost insists, “it is now timely to reopen the issue
of matter and once again to give material factors their due in shaping society
and circumscribing human prospects.” Thing Theory (Bill Brown), Object-Oriented
Philosophy (Graham Harman) and Speculative Realism (Quentin Meillassoux) are
just a few names that represent efforts “to reopen the issue of matter,” and
these efforts are now brought together under the heading of “New Materialisms.”
2017 spring conference of The Korean Association of Modern Fiction in English
aims to provide opportunities to discuss how “the issue of matter” is being reopened
in modern fiction in English, but with those questions that initiated the
reopening in mind: Do new materialisms really matter?; Why and how do new
materialisms matter?; Or, if they don’t, what are the reasons behind
downplaying the impact of “material factors” on today’s society? For the 2017
spring conference, we are inviting proposals that examine the significance of
objects and nonhuman beings—ranging from seemingly mundane things present in
everyday human life to such, to quote Timothy Morton, “hyperobjects” as global
warming and “all the nuclear materials on Earth” that remain “massively
distributed in time and space relative to humans”—within literary texts and
help look into these questions.