한국현대영미소설학회 회원 여러분께,
가을학기도 이제 막바지에 접어들었습니다.
우리 한국현대영미소설학회가 금번 12월 16일(월)-18일(수), 대전컨벤션센터에서 개최되는 2019년 한국영어영문학회 국제학술대회에 참여하게 되어서 관련 내용을 전달합니다. 1. 2019년 12월 16일 월요일 오후 15:15 –16:45 General Session 2A (한국어 세션) [Room 108] “(Post)human Narratives of Violence and Wounds”
Chair | Jae-Hwan Han (Kyungpook National University, Korea) | Presentation 1 | Sunhwa Park (Konkuk University, Korea) | “Australian Aborigine and British Missionary's Memory of Imperialism in Oscar and Lucinda” | Presentation 2 | Joori Lee (Chonnam National University, Korea) | “Therapeutic Handwriting: The Diary in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four” | Presentation 3 | Chung-Hee Lee (Sookmyung Womens' University, Korea) | “Posthuman Vision in Correlations with Biotechnology and Language: Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake” | Presentation 4 | Heejung Cha (Chosun University, Korea) | “Bedouin Muslim Women in an Insane Asylum under British Control in Pillars of Salt by Fadia Faqir” | Discussant | Heongyun Rho (Dongguk University, Korea) | Min Hoe Kim (Busan University of Foreign Studies, Korea) | Myungsung Kim (Sejong University, Korea) | Jung-Hwa Lee (Chosun University, Korea) |
2. Wednesday, December 18, 2019(13:30 –15:00) General Session 1C (in English) [Room 106] “War, Trauma, and Homelessness” Chair | Eunsook Koo (Cheongju University, Korea) | Presentation 1 | So-Hee Lee (Hanyang Women's University, Korea) | “Gender, Ethnicity, Survival and Freedom in How I Became a North Korean” | Presentation 2 | Eun-Gwi Chung (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea) | “Haunted by War Ground: Geopolitics and Border-scape in Hardly War and Commons, Contemporary Korean American Poetry” | Presentation 3 | In Shik Bang (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea) | “North Korean Refugee Narratives as a Somatic Language: Joseph Kim’s Under the Same Sky” | Discussant | Junghyun Hwang (Hansung University, Korea) | Robert Grotjohn (Chonnam National University, Korea) | Sooyoung Lee (Hanyang Cyber University, Korea) |
월요일 오후 발표를 마친 이후에 참석하신 모든 선생님들과 함께 식사를 할 예정입니다. 분주한 기간이지만 흥미로운 연구주제를 함께 나누시고, 오랜만에 반가운 얼굴을 뵐 수 있기를 기다려 봅니다.
한국현대영미소설학회 총무이사 드림